
A Look Into the Interesting History of Audio Mastering

The history of mastering is rich and extensive, with its origins dating back to the early days of vinyl production. Over the years, this crucial phase in music production has evolved, adapting to emerging technologies. In the contemporary landscape, marked by the prevalence of digital streaming services, mastering holds a heightened significance in ensuring the optimal sound quality of your music.

This comprehensive guide delves into the historical journey of mastering, tracing its roots from the modest beginnings of the vinyl era to its current form in the digital age. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a complete newcomer to the subject, continue reading to gain insights into the intricacies of the mastering process and its vital role in the world of music.

A Look Back into the History of Mastering

The term “mastering” has its roots in the early era of vinyl production when vinyl records were the primary medium for storing and distributing music. In the pre-digital age, the process involved recording music onto a reel-to-reel tape. This tape was then sent to a mastering engineer tasked with cutting a lacquer disc from it. Subsequently, this disc served as the basis for creating a metal stamping plate used in the production of vinyl records.

The mastering engineer played a pivotal role in ensuring the optimal sound quality during the transition from tape to the lacquer disc. This encompassed various processes, including equalization and noise reduction, with the overarching goal of achieving a loud and clear sound without introducing unwanted distortion.

The landscape of music production underwent significant changes with the advent of digital music. Presently, music is predominantly recorded and mixed in digital audio workstations (DAWs). Once the music reaches the desired mix, it is exported as a digital audio file, which is then forwarded to the mastering engineer. In the digital era, the mastering engineer employs various software tools to further enhance the sound.

While the modern mastering process retains its core focus on optimizing the sound of the music, the tools and techniques have evolved substantially. In the digital realm, mastering engineers wield a heightened degree of control over the final product’s sound. With the appropriate tools and expertise, they can meticulously refine the sound of a track with remarkable precision.

The Elements of Mastering

The mastering process encompasses a multifaceted approach, with three fundamental elements serving as the cornerstone of this intricate craft:

  1. Equalization (EQ):
    At its essence, equalization involves the meticulous adjustment of frequency levels within the audio signal. Through the strategic boosting or cutting of specific frequencies, the mastering engineer wields the power to shape the sonic character of the music. Whether aspiring for a brighter, warmer, thinner, or heavier tonal quality, EQ provides a versatile tool for sculpting the auditory landscape.
  2. Compression:
    Delving into the realm of dynamic range, compression plays a pivotal role in the mastering process. By reducing the dynamic range of the audio signal, compression effectively modulates the volume, making the loudest portions more subdued and the quietest segments more pronounced. This manipulation contributes to the music’s “punchiness” and bolsters its overall volume, fostering a more impactful and cohesive sonic experience.
  3. Limiting:
    A critical aspect of mastering, limiting involves setting a threshold to prevent the audio signal from surpassing a predefined level. This safeguard is crucial in averting undesirable clipping and distortion. Beyond mere technical preservation, limiting serves a creative purpose by enhancing the perceived loudness and fullness of the music, contributing to an expansive and immersive listening experience.

While these three elements form the bedrock of mastering, the skilled engineer may navigate additional avenues to refine and elevate the musical composition. Techniques such as noise reduction, stereo widening, and judicious application of reverb may be employed to further polish the sonic tapestry.

The overarching objective of the mastering process is to showcase the music in its most refined and compelling form. This entails not only addressing technical considerations but also cultivating a balanced, full-sounding mix. The mastering engineer endeavors to achieve a harmonious synthesis of clarity, volume, and artistic intent, ensuring that the final product resonates with the intended impact while remaining free from any detrimental distortions. In essence, mastering is an artful convergence of technical precision and creative finesse, a meticulous endeavor to present the music at its zenith.

Why Should Your Conservatory Roof Installer be Insured

It might sound self-evident, however you’re having a significant traditional conservatories structure project done on your home – obviously, the center rooftop installer will be protected!

Sadly, there are numerous development organizations working without protection and giving the exchange a terrible name. Here we’ll frame why protection is significant for a center rooftop change, and what you ought to hope to be covered.

Why you ought to stay away from a uninsured studio material organization

Believing some studio roofers can be hard. With studio rooftop substitutions, as in numerous region of the structure exchange, many individuals have either heard or experienced accounts of questionable outfits and dodgy sellers.

We think this is a genuine disgrace, and lament that it can discolor all center rooftop installers’ notorieties. Be that as it may, there are conniving administrators out there who really do climb costs mid-project, employ uninsured or awkward specialists, or abandon clients with an incomplete venture.

That is the reason we endeavor to do something contrary to what every other person is doing. Projects 4 Material invests heavily in putting clients first. That implies focusing on wellbeing and security, what begins with ensuring that our laborers are safeguarded.

What sort of protection should your studio material organization have

Development can be perilous. At the point when there’s a structure site with weighty materials, power devices, and possibly hazardous substances around, mishaps can occur. It’s all the more dangerous assuming that building site is on your property!

In this manner there ought to be a two dimensional way to deal with keeping away from errors and mishaps:

Guaranteeing the work and laborers so everyone is covered should something turn out badly. Recruiting laborers who understand what they’re doing
Practically any organization that goes out openly to play out a help ought to have public responsibility protection. That is doubly valid for a possibly perilous occupation like studio rooftop substitutions.

Public obligation protection covers the organization against all legitimate responsibility for death or injury to individuals from general society, or loss of or harm to their property regarding the business.

That implies assuming something occurs – say, the center roofer thumps down your neighbor’s front wall while acquiring the new rooftop – they’ll be taken care of for those expenses. The equivalent goes assuming they even coincidentally thump down your neighbor! The insurance agency pays, not the roofer.

That is significant for the material organization and for you. They will not leave business assuming they’re sued for large number of pounds, and no related expenses can be passed to you. It gives everyone inner serenity – particularly your neighbors.

A studio material installer needs to recruit staff – laborers who will turn up and accomplish the work expected to eliminate your current rooftop and introduce a Gatekeeper Warm Rooftop for instance in its place. Yet, even the most experienced worker can commit errors or succumb to mishaps.

Managers’ obligation protection covers the business for any aggregate which they might be responsible to pay to any worker harmed or ailing throughout their work and during working hours.

That implies assuming a sheet of glass sneaks off an old center rooftop, for example, giving Gary the roofer a frightful cut, the insurance agency takes care of the expenses of treatment and loss of income that Gary might endure subsequently.

Once more, this safeguards the organization, and by implication, the client as well. The most dire outcome imaginable would be a uninsured organization being responsible for the expense of Gary’s leg injury and afterward not having the assets to complete your studio rooftop transformation.

While we generally trust that each venture is finished securely and effectively, there’s dependably an opportunity that mishaps can occur. Frequently they’re no one’s shortcoming.

It’s along these lines truly essential that your material organization is satisfactorily covered to safeguard all interested parties.

How to Tell if You Need to Get Window Replacement Done for Your Home

Windows are not something we give a lot of consideration to in Commercial roofing services light of the fact that we anticipate that they should keep going quite a while. While the facts really confirm that your home windows can endure as many as 20 years, there will ultimately come when you will require window substitution. At Red Oak Outsides, our group of qualified experts has immense experience introducing and supplanting windows of private properties. We frequently get calls from property holders who want to find out whether the time has come to supplant their home windows or hold off. In the event that you are one of those property holders who aren’t certain about the signs that let you know it is the ideal opportunity for new windows, this article is for you.

You Want A Window Substitution In the event that Your Windows Can’t Keep The Colorado Springs Weather conditions Out

The clearest sign that you want window substitution is the point at which your home windows can’t keep climate components like downpour, out of your home. Snow and downpour can ultimately negatively affect your window outlines until they begin spilling and water or dissolving snow can saturate your home through harmed window outlines. At the point when we show up to review a flawed window, it is typically completely rotted or unrepairable; to this end we suggest property holders watch out for the state of their window outlines. This could assist you with getting the rot early and save you the extra expense of a total home window substitution.

So, in the event that your windows aren’t as expected keeping the climate components, for example, water out, then, at that point, it is an obvious indicator that a window substitution may be all together.

You Have Begun Hearing Much A larger number of Clamors And Sounds Than You Used To

Your home windows aren’t simply intended to keep water, residue, garbage, and wind out; they additionally work to soundproof your home somewhat. At the point when the windows begin yielding, you will begin to hear more commotion inside your home since the windows can’t successfully keep the clamor out. An effective method for testing your house windows’ soundproofing is to tune in for any vehicles that might be passing a ways off and on the off chance that you can hear them inside the house, it very well may be an indication that your windows should be supplanted; it might likewise imply that your windows were not intended to be soundproof, so you ought to reach us to get your windows reviewed prior to pursuing a substitution choice.

Your Windows Are Not Opening Or Shutting Appropriately

Assuming that you have opening windows at your home, they ought to work without an excessive amount of power. In any case, assuming you notice that windows may be stuck or can not be sufficiently shut, then, at that point, odds are you really want to begin looking on the web for an organization for the substitution of your windows.


Accounting Trends in 2022: Grow Your Business Faster

Considering that the outcomes of the pandemic are as yet significant, organizations across ventures are taking a gander at various ways of guaranteeing maintainability over delayed times of monetary vulnerability. The year 2020 saw organizations adjusting to innovation at an uncommon speed across different enterprises. Aat accounting training as a capability has been progressively adjusted to innovative advances throughout recent years. As per reports, 83% of bookkeepers concur that putting resources into digitalization is important to stay aware of the market. This reality is independent from the reception of innovation, which has helped organizations work from a distance and stay maintainable.

As we work through 2022, the following are a couple of bookkeeping patterns to help your business become quicker and work on your business’ benefit.

Bookkeeping computerization and programming arrangements

Computerization for bookkeeping processes has been making progress consistently; it diminishes the responsibility for tedious and consideration escalated assignments while guaranteeing higher precision and decrease of mistakes.

Bookkeeping Patterns

Moreover, expanding work costs (29%) addressed one of the greatest worries for bookkeeping firms in 2020. Accordingly, the need to move specific capabilities to mechanized processes appears to be legit. This present circumstance likewise lines up with the high leave rate that happened because of the pandemic. Together, these variables present a more grounded defense for bookkeeping mechanization.

It additionally assists with remembering that computerization of bookkeeping processes doesn’t make bookkeeping experts excess. All things considered, mechanization assumes control over high-volume, tedious work from human resources. This step guarantees that prepared and talented bookkeeping experts can move their concentration from settling bookkeeping and accounting issues to real business the executives.

Reports uncover that bookkeepers are either previously preparing for or taking into account preparing in different regions, including client the board and business warning administrations (63% respondents) or business the executives (59%).

Re-appropriating bookkeeping capabilities

More organizations understand the advantages of re-appropriating as monetary vulnerabilities keep on approaching. The various advantages of reevaluating “nitty gritty consideration” serious capabilities, for example, bookkeeping and accounting include:

Guaranteeing solid, mistake free bookkeeping and accounting work
Opening up prepared assets so they can move their concentration to higher-need work, including monetary administration and inspecting of bookkeeping reports
Conveying worth to existing work by making it more precise through computerization while stretching out help to new business endeavors through a demonstrated framework and foundation.
Lessening costs related with employing, preparing, and holding assets
Moving to Cloud Bookkeeping

From on location tasks to cloud-based bookkeeping, the shift has been continuous and observable. Reports say that 67% of bookkeepers feel cloud innovation further develops client connections and administration contributions. Given the numerous advantages of cloud-based bookkeeping, organizations can enhance expectations without inflating expenses and costs. Here are a few key contemplations why moving to cloud bookkeeping seems OK for bookkeeping rehearses:

Cloud bookkeeping helps organizations store and save data in the cloud and access it without any problem.
Cloud-put together access saves with respect to costs related with requiring an actual area; leasing or claiming can be exorbitant, particularly for little to medium-sized organizations. A Forbes report says how moving to the cloud saved organizations 30-50 percent by and large, contrasted with invigorating their on-premises framework.
Cloud bookkeeping guarantees better security and wellbeing of information, including client information, due to advanced measures like secret key insurance, encryption, and approved admittance to choose people.
Utilizing proficient help: Organizations

With regards to cloud bookkeeping, electronic capacity, and secure reinforcements, these require a strong foundation. These necessities can end up being costly for a business simply beginning. Reevaluating bookkeeping and accounting capabilities or joining forces with experts can assist with guaranteeing your training lines up with industry standards. Given the demonstrated frameworks experts have, collaborating with them permits organizations to get to assets in any case unavailable to them. Since cloud bookkeeping is innovation based, it likewise needs master sending. For experts, this is more straightforward in light of the fact that they have assets prepared to stir things up around town running.

Plastic Storage Boxes For Music & Audio Gear

plastic storage boxes

Before purchasing plastic storage boxes, consider what you need to store. Gather all your items and measure them. Then, sort out what you don’t want to keep, and return items that you borrowed from others. If you need to store a lot of items, you should select bins that fit into the storage area and don’t overlap. Make sure to select plastic storage containers that won’t be damaged or ruined by moisture. Lastly, consider whether your plastic storage boxes are stackable or not. Stackable plastic storage boxes are great for storage but make sure to choose bins that fit your needs.

Purchasing bins that can be stacked is easy, thanks to their recessed lids. These are also great for attics and storage closets. Unlike many other types of storage bins, these aren’t very thick, so you can stack them neatly. They can be used in laundry rooms and closets as well. Moreover, they don’t make your storage space looks messy, either. You can also decorate them by using washi tape, stencils, and fabric.

Clear plastic storage boxes are perfect for storing a variety of items. They are durable and easy to handle. They can also hold a lot of items. You can buy boxes with a large capacity, such as a 64-quart Sterilite storage box. A durable storage box that is easy to use has a lid that can be removed and latches so that the lid can’t fall off. It’s also recyclable, and the best part is that plastic storage boxes can be reused many times for a variety of different purposes.

For more bulky items, you can choose boxes with wheels. The Long Under-Bed Box with Wheels from The Container Store is a great option. It’s nearly three feet long and has wheels, making it easy to roll out from under the bed. Whether you need to store a large costume, or a simple plastic storage box, this container will keep everything in place. This box can be used to store a variety of items, and is also great for work-in-progress or inventory transfer.

If you want to store more things, the 99-gallon resin patio storage box is a great option. It’s stylish and durable, and comes in white, java, and mocha colors. These containers will keep your belongings safe and secure while keeping your house clean and organized. They also come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. These plastic outdoor storage boxes are stackable, which makes them a great solution for any space.

A plastic outdoor storage box is much easier to clean than a wooden or metal box. A wet cloth can be used to wipe it down without damaging its look. Wood and metal need polishing, but plastic will keep its shiny finish for years. The lid will also keep your items in place. You don’t have to worry about staining or scratching wood or metal. They won’t show signs of wear and tear. These plastic boxes will last for years.

Linkin Park Announce Tour and First Album Since Chester Bennington’s Death, Share New Song and Video: Watch

Linkin Park have announced their first new studio album since May 2017’s One More Light. The new album, From Zero, will come out on November 15 via Warner. The band has also shared a new song, “The Emptiness Machine,” which lands with a music video directed by Joe Hahn. Find it below.

From Zero is the first new Linkin Park album since the death, in July 2017, of lead singer Chester Bennington. The band still features original members Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Dave “Phoenix” Farrell, and Joe Hahn, and they’re now joined by new co-vocalist Emily Armstrong and new drummer Colin Brittain.

Linkin Park have not performed since playing a Bennington tribute show, at the Hollywood Bowl, October 2017. They will begin their From Zero World Tour next week. See the band’s schedule below.

Following Bennington’s death, Mike Shinoda released the solo albums Post Traumatic and Dropped Frames. He also won a Grammy Award for a remix of Deftones’ “Passenger.” Discussing the band’s new endeavor in a press release, Shinoda said:

Before Linkin Park, our first band name was Xero. This album title refers to both this humble beginning and the journey we’re currently undertaking. Sonically and emotionally, it is about past, present, and future—embracing our signature sound, but new and full of life. It was made with a deep appreciation for our new and longtime bandmates, our friends, our family, and our fans. We are proud of what Linkin Park has become over the years, and excited about the journey ahead.

He continued:

The more we worked with Emily and Colin, the more we enjoyed their world-class talents, their company, and the things we created. We feel really empowered with this new lineup and the vibrant and energized new music we’ve made together. We’re weaving together the sonic touch points we’ve been known for and still exploring new ones.

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MARK TREMONTI Would Like “To Try To Get Back To That Original Sound” With CREED’s New Material

In a recent conversation with Guitar Interactive magazine, Creed‘s guitarist Mark Tremonti shared his thoughts on the possibility of creating new music with his bandmates. The musician expressed enthusiasm for the creative process, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that come with writing for different projects.

Tremonti stated (as transcribed by Blabbermouth): “Yeah, I love writing music and I love doing it in many different ways. I love challenging ourselves, I love to be challenged, and writing for all these different acts, when you get into it, you’re, like, how am I gonna differentiate this from my other projects? How are we gonna make this its own thing and not sound like this other band with just a different vocalist on it?”

When discussing Creed‘s potential approach to new material, Tremonti emphasized the importance of maintaining the band’s signature sound while incorporating fresh elements. He suggested that they would aim to preserve the aspects that fans have always appreciated about Creed, rather than pursuing a more progressive direction.

“I had a whole record on my hands for Creed before we parted ways in 2012… If we start over and just dove in again, we could do better,” he revealed. “I think it’d be good to try to get back to that original sound. I think putting a fresh look, but also realizing what people loved about the band and trying to keep that intact and not get too progressive in any way with Creed.”

“We keep that to my other bands Alter Bridge and Tremonti and we keep Creed a little more the way it was back in the day — the big melodies, just the stuff that worked back in the day. I think on the Full Circle record, we got somewhat a little more — I think we strayed a little bit from our original sound with that album. So I think it’d be good to try to get back to that original sound a little more.”

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The Best Greek Islands for Every Type of Traveler • The Blonde Abroad

Here are some of the best Greek islands for different types of travelers! #ExpediaAmbassador 🇬🇷
With over 6,000 islands and islets scattered across the Aegean and Ionian Seas, each island offers something special.

🇬🇷 Mykonos: This island is known for day clubs and nightlife—though it’s not ALL there is to do, so I always recommend it for a girls trip! Rent and ATV to explore the island and all of the amazing beaches, stroll the Old Town, and have tons of fun!

🇬🇷 Santorini: While there are beautiful beaches here, this island is known for the luxury cave hotels in Oia and Fira. It’s the perfect romantic destination for lazy afternoons at the pool and incredible sunset dinners.

🇬🇷 Naxos: If you’re wanting to avoid the crowds and “tourist” prices, Naxos might be perfect for you. This is a great island for families and kitesurfing enthusiasts. Be sure to rent a car through @Expedia and get your international driver’s license well in advance, as you’ll need one to get around!

🇬🇷 Milos: This island truly has it all, and is a great destination for all types of travelers! There are incredible restaurants and amazing beaches. Rent a boat to explore the small neighboring islands, go cliff jumping at Sarakiniko beach, and visit the old fishing villages.

As you plan your Greek holiday, use @expedia to find the best flight prices and book your entire trip in one spot!

PS: Expedia Group brought the family closer with a unified and expanded loyalty program called One Key, and it’s not just for @expedia. @hotelsdotcom and the vacation rental site, @vrbo, are all part of the fun!

When you’re a One Key member, you can earn OneKeyCash for every dollar you spend on eligible hotels, vacation rentals, activities, dreamy packages, car rentals, and even those epic cruise adventures.

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Cash Cobain Announces New Album Release Date, Shares Massive Posse Cut “Problem”: Listen

Cash Cobain has announced the release date for his long-teased new album Play Cash Cobain. The New York rapper and producer’s follow-up to last year’s Pretty Girls Love Slizzy is out on Friday, August 23. The new album includes the singles “Dunk Contest,” “Fisherrr,” and “Rump Punch.” It also features a new song called “Problem,” which is a new posse cut remix of Laila!’s “Not My Problem” that has bars from Flo Milli, Big Sean, Fabolous, Luh Tyler, YN Jay, Anycia, 6lack, Don Q, Rob49, Chow Lee, and others. Listen to the new track below; scroll down for the Play Cash Cobain cover artwork.

Cobain is currently on tour with his “Fisherrr (Remix)” collaborator Ice Spice. Revisit Alphonse Pierre’s “An R-Rated Day With Cash Cobain, the Raunchiest Rapper in New York” on the Pitch.

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PELICAN To Debut A Buncha New Stuff At Their Chicago Show

Pelican release their first new material since 2019 named Adrift / Tending the Embers earlier this year, but that’s hardly all they’ve got up their sleeves! Pelican will place a set at the Gman Tavern in Chicago, IL on August 16 where they’ll debut a whole slew of new material from their currently-unannounced upcoming new record.

Check out Pelican‘s current list of live shows below and stream Adrift / Tending the Embers below if you haven’t already. It’s two brand new songs they’re both killer!

8/16 Chicago, IL Gman Tavern
8/17 Madison, WI Majestic Theatre (w/ Thursday)
8/23 Joliet, IL The Forge (w/ Thursday)
9/7 Chicago, IL Metro (w/ Russian Circles & Djunah)
10/25 Asheville, NC Heavy Mountain Fest

On their latest EP, Pelican offered upon its release: “Adrift / Tending the Embers marks Pelican‘s first new music since 2019 and the first songs written with the band’s original lineup since 2012. The EP marks both a reunion and a departure, eschewing the caustic bombast of 2019’s Nighttime Stories for more delicate and nuanced territory that imbibes their pastoral Midwest post-rock tendencies with triumphant riffs that feel indebted to the classic Dischord pantheon.

“Since reuniting with founding guitarist Laurent Schroeder-Lebec in 2022, Pelican have been playing career-spanning live sets in support of Thrill Jockey’s expanded reissues of the group’s first three albums. Energized by the initial run of shows and the invite to record a pair of cover songs for Numero Group’s 25th anniversary, the band began writing again in early 2023.

“As the surplus of material began to amass and it became clear there was more than album’s worth of material taking shape, the band booked studio time with longtime collaborator Sanford Parker in order to share the burgeoning new direction with fans sooner than later. The resulting two song EP is available digitally from all DSPs and as a limited edition tape exclusively here.”

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The 5 Best Hotels in Mexico City (Updated 2024)

Mexico City is a vibrant metropolis filled with great food, fun nightlife, amazing art, sprawling parks, and cool neighborhoods. I was late to visit (I just went for the first time a few years ago), and I can’t believe I hadn’t made the trip sooner. It’s an amazing city.

Colloquially known as CDMX (Ciudad de Mexico), Mexico City is a world-class destination that’s absolutely worth a visit. But it’s also a massive, sprawling city. There are a ton of hotels here, and choosing the right one is essential for ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable stay.

Having been to the city a handful of times (and having even led tours there), I know what hotels are worth your money. Here’s my list of what I think are the best hotels in Mexico City:

1. Zócalo Central Mexico City

A stylish, moody hotel room at the Zocalo Central Mexico City Hotel in Mexico City

Housed in a late-19th-century building right on the Zócalo (the city’s main square), you can’t get any more centrally located than this four-star hotel. The rooftop bar has absolutely incredible views over the square, and I love that the complimentary breakfast is served up here every morning (you can get both Mexican dishes and continental breakfast staples like yogurt and granola). There are also free bicycles for guests, a fitness center, and a steam room. A really unique perk they offer is the 24/7 café in the lobby where everything is complimentary for guests (it serves items like coffee, tea, pastries, fruit, sandwiches, and other snacks). There are also fridges of free water and fruit on every floor. (If only all hotels had amenities like this!)

The guest rooms have a historic, moody feel, with stormy grey walls, dark hardwood floors, wood-beamed ceilings, and even chandeliers. Even though you’re right on the square, you can’t hear a thing once you close the double-glazed windows, allowing for a great night’s sleep. All rooms feature a desk, plus-sized TV, AC, safe, and a coffee machine. The bathrooms are a bit small but feature showers with excellent water pressure as well as complimentary toiletries. This is an excellent choice if you want to be close to many of the city’s main sights.

Book here!


2. Hotel Villa Condesa

A large bed in a bright hotel room at the Hotel Villa Condesa in Mexico City

This boutique property in Condesa is as leafy and stylish as the surrounding neighborhood. It’s housed in a 19th-century mansion and boasts a really cool interior courtyard that’s a calm oasis in the big city. A complimentary breakfast is served here every morning too (definitely try the chilaquiles and the huevos rancheros)!

Every one of the fifteen spacious and comfortable suites is different. Some are brightly decorated with colorful walls and couches, while others have a stately feel, with antique furniture and hardwood floors. Some rooms even have balconies, but all rooms come with a flatscreen TV and a desk. The bathrooms are a bit small but include complimentary toiletries and plush bathrobes. Since there are only a few rooms here, it feels really homey (the staff is really friendly and welcoming too), making it ideal for a quiet stay in one of the best neighborhoods of Mexico City.

Book here!


3. Gran Hotel Ciudad de México

A spacious hotel room at the Gran Hotel in Mexico City with a nice view looking out over the city

This historic Art Nouveau hotel was built as a department store in 1899 and converted into a hotel for the 1968 Olympics. Featured in several James Bond films, this five-star property has an impressive interior lobby with a beautiful Tiffany stained-glass ceiling as well as wrought-iron elevators and balustrades. It’s right on the Zócalo, with two restaurants that serve Mexican cuisine as well as a fitness center. I especially like that you can take in views over the Zócalo while enjoying the expansive breakfast buffet. The only drawback of being right on the main square is that it can get a bit noisy if your room faces the square. (I personally prefer a quieter stay, so you can request an interior room if that’s the case for you as well.)

The huge rooms include classic wooden furniture that’s befitting of the hotel’s history (suites even have four-poster beds with curtains). Whether you choose a room or a suite, you’ll have a large TV, big work desk, a seating area, safe, coffee maker, and a mini bar. The marble bathrooms are spacious too, with bathrobes, slippers, and complimentary toiletries. Some even have both bathtubs and walk-in showers. Overall, this is the best choice for history lovers that are going to be focused on seeing the sites around the Zócalo.

Book here!


4. Green Park Hotel

A luxe and lavish hotel room at the Green Park Hotel in Mexico City, Mexico

Housed in a gorgeous Art Deco building, The Green Park Hotel is directly across from the sprawling green oasis that is Chapultepec Park (the city’s largest park). It’s also in the middle of Polanco, a posh district known as the “Beverly Hills of Mexico.” The rooftop bar is a fun place to hang out, and there’s a complimentary breakfast too (though I personally don’t think it’s anything to write home about).

All rooms are large suites that are decorated in an aristocratic English style, with elegant wood furnishings, hardwood floors, and paintings on the walls. I really love the arched floor-to ceiling windows that offer views of either the adjacent park or the courtyard. The luxurious suites have nice desks, a seating area, and a smart TV. The large marble bathrooms feature both a jacuzzi and walk-in shower as well as complimentary toiletries and plush bathrobes. It’s a nice choice for a refined stay in a classy neighborhood.

Book here!


5. Ágata Hotel

A huge, comfortable bed at the Agata Hotel in Mexico City, Mexico

If you’re looking for something in a totally different area of the city, this super stylish hotel is in bohemian Coyoacán, the area made famous by Frida Kahlo (her home, now a museum, is less than a ten-minute walk away). This boutique property only has four rooms, and the staff really goes out of their way to ensure a personalized stay. The complimentary healthy breakfast is cooked to order, and you can choose from a variety of options, including chia seed pudding, freshly made eggs, and heaps of fresh fruit. I love that it’s served on the terrace too.

The spacious rooms are decorated in soft neutral tones, with wooden accenting and interesting ceiling lights that look like cool upside-down woven baskets. All rooms have a seating area, Nespresso machine, safe, plus-sized TVs while selected rooms also offer a balcony. The bathrooms are stunning, with exposed brick walls, deep soaking tubs, walk-in showers, plush robes, and luxurious toiletries. This hotel feels almost like a wellness retreat, making it a great place for a tranquil and intimate stay.

Book here!


I love Mexico City. There’s a never-ending number of museums, great restaurants, and excellent mezcal bars to explore here. I think it’s one of the most fascinating cultural destinations in the world and a city more travelers to Mexico need to visit. Just make sure that you choose a hotel from the list above to ensure you have a great stay in this vibrant destination!

Book Your Trip to Mexico City: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

If you’re looking for a hostel, here are my favorite hostels in Mexico City.

And for the best neighborhoods in the city, this post can help you pick the best area of the city to stay in.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on Mexico City?
Be sure to visit our robust destination guide to Mexico City for even more planning tips!

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Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, Gojira, and More Perform at Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Watch

The Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony took place today (July 26), and it featured a performance from Lady Gaga, who sang “Mon truc en plumes.” See photos of her performance on the Seine below.

Later, Gojira became the first metal band to play an Olympic opening ceremony. They were joined by opera singer Marina Viotti to do “Ah! Ça Ira.”

And, triumphantly, Celine Dion was the last performer, marking her return to the stage for the first time since her 2022 diagnosis with Stiff Person Syndrome. The Québécois singer, who performed Hymne à l’amour,” had teased her comeback in April, telling Vogue France, “I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”

Earlier in the day, Snoop Dogg and Pharrell Williams were among those to carry the Olympic torch in the pre-ceremony build-up.

On social media, after her performance, Lady Gaga shared:

I feel so completely grateful to have been asked to open the Paris @Olympics 2024 this year. I am also humbled to be asked by the Olympics organizing committee to sing such a special French song—a song to honor the French people and their tremendous history of art, music, and theatre. This song was sung by Zizi Jeanmaire, born in Paris a French ballerina, she famously sang “Mon Truc en Plumes” in 1961. The title means “My Thing with Feathers.” And this is not the first time we’ve crossed paths. Zizi starred in Cole Porter’s musical “Anything Goes” which was my first jazz release. Although I am not a French artist, I have always felt a very special connection with French people and singing French music—I wanted nothing more than to create a performance that would warm the heart of France, celebrate French art and music, and on such a momentous occasion remind everyone of one of the most magical cities on earth—Paris. We rented pom poms from Le Lido archive—a real French cabaret theater. We collaborated with Dior to create custom costumes, using naturally molted feathers. I studied French choreography that put a modern twist on a French classic. I rehearsed tirelessly to study a joyful French dance, brushing up on some old skills—I bet you didn’t know I used to dance at a 60’s French party on the lower east side when I was first starting out! I hope you love this performance as much as I do. And to everyone in France, thank you so much for welcoming me to your country to sing in honor of you—it’s a gift I’ll never forget! Congratulations to all the athletes who are competing in this year’s Olympic Games! It is my supreme honor to sing for you and cheer you on!! Watching the Olympic Games always makes me cry! Your talent is unimaginable. Let the games begin!

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TOOL’s “Sober” As A Vaporwave Song Is The Perfect On Hold Music

Andy Rehfeldt‘s vaporwave version of Tool‘s 1993 track “Sober” should be played every single time you’re on hold on the phone from here on our.

Picture it – the sound quality is awful, everything is crunchy, and Maynard James Keenan is telling you all about Jesus and his fucking whistle as you approach the second hour of standing around waiting. What’s not to love?

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The 5 Best Hotels in Medellín (Updated 2024)

Medellín is the second-largest city in Colombia and a favorite among the digital nomad crowd. Nestled in the Aburrá Valley, the city has great weather year-round, earning it the nickname: “the City of Eternal Spring.”

I spent a lot of time in Medellín. While the city has a troubled past, today, it’s a vibrant and innovative metropolis. I’d go back in a heartbeat. (Make sure to take a salsa class at least once while you’re here!) The city keeps growing and improving itself year after year.

That said, there are still some safety issues here, so picking the right place hotel – and area – is important. To ensure you have a safe and comfortable visit, here’s my list of the best hotels in Medellin:

1. Nomada Hotel Origen

A cozy guest room with wooden floors, an exposed brick wall, and a large window opening to leafy greenery, in Medellin, Colombia

This four-star hotel is located in El Poblado, a centrally located neighborhood packed with restaurants, bars, clubs, cafés, and shops. Though there’s a lot to do in the area, leave some time to spend lounging in the hot tub on the leafy hotel rooftop, enjoying the epic views over the city with a cocktail in hand (it’s a great way to end a busy day of exploring). You can also start your day here too as the complimentary breakfast is served on the rooftop as well.

The rooms are comfortable and spacious, with a cool design featuring exposed brick walls and beams, hardwood floors, and soft lighting. All rooms have a desk, flatscreen TV, and a minibar. Deluxe rooms have kitchenettes with a fridge, microwave, cooktop, and coffee maker. The bathrooms feature tiled walls and floors, showers with great water pressure (something I always appreciate), and complimentary toiletries. This is my top recommended hotel in the city as it really does give the best value for your money. It’s in an excellent location too.

Book here!


2. The Click Clack

A rooftop pool overlooking the mountains at The Click Clack hotel in Medellin, Colombia

This five-star design hotel is one of the cooler places to stay in El Poblado. It’s got a chic industrial-meets-nature vibe going on, with sleek architecture and plants everywhere. I love that the included breakfast is served in the huge atrium with lots of light and greenery. There’s also a rooftop pool with its own bar that serves great cocktails, and spa/massage services available. For anything you need, you can just WhatsApp the front desk, which I find really convenient (especially if you’re jet lagged or tired from sightseeing).

All rooms include a desk, flatscreen TV, and safe, but I especially like that the complimentary minibar is stocked with healthy snacks from local Colombian producers. The stylish bathrooms have a dark and moody feel (maybe a bit too dark in my opinion), though the walk-in showers with rainfall showerheads are great. If you’re looking for the hippest hotel in one of Medellin’s best neighborhoods, this is it!

Book here!


3. Ibis Medellín

A minimal guest room with two twin beds and grey walls at the Ibis hotel in Medellin, Colombia

This three-star hotel in the artsy Ciudad del Rio neighborhood is just around the corner from the Medellín Modern Art Museum. It’s also less than a block from Mercado del Río, the biggest food market in town. The hotel is bright and airy, offering a breakfast buffet that features a ton of fresh local fruit and baked goods. I like that the standard check-out isn’t until 12pm so you don’t have to worry about rushing out in the morning (perfect if you’ve been out enjoying the city’s wild nightlife).

I will say that I find the rooms a bit too sparse, but they do include the usual mid-level perks, such as a desk, flatscreen TV, and a wardrobe with a safe. The bathrooms are decently sized though, with a large sink counter (convenient for spreading out your stuff), and complimentary toiletries. This is a good choice for anyone looking for a pleasant (but no-frills) stay in an interesting area of the city.

Book here!


4. Sites Hotel

A double bed with a quote painted on the wall above it and large windows showing the skyline of Medellin, Colombia

This hotel is located in laid-back Patio Bonito, an area filled with hip restaurants and bars that’s popular with Medellín’s expat and digital-nomad communities. The hotel boasts a rooftop pool and jacuzzi, a reading room in the lobby, a small fitness center, and laundry facilities. The buffet breakfast is tasty, with a variety of sweet breads and pastries, fresh juices, yogurt, and made-to-order eggs.

The rooms consist of spacious deluxe rooms and apartments that all have kitchens with a stovetop, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker, and minibar. All rooms have a simple yet cozy feel, with nice wood floors, artwork from local Colombian artists on the walls, a desk, and a flatscreen TV. Apartments also have their own terraces. The bathrooms are decently sized and feature complimentary toiletries as well as rainfall showerheads with great water pressure. Given its location and kitchen facilities in every room, Sites is perfect for mid-range travelers staying longer in Medellin.

Book here!


5. Patio del Mundo

A cozy guest room with a double bed, desk, tiled floors, and sliding doors opening to a patio with a hammock at Patio del Mundo, a boutique hotel in Medellin, Colombia

If you’re looking for something a smaller than one of the many high-rise hotels, Patio del Mundo is a boutique hotel with just 13 rooms. There’s always complimentary coffee and fresh juice in the lobby, and the owners and staff are exceptionally friendly and helpful. I love their tropical garden and patio filled with hammocks, loungers, and a hot tub set right into the deck. I also like that you can start your day here with a complimentary breakfast buffet of fresh fruit, juices, croissants, pancakes, and freshly made eggs. Keep an eye out for hummingbirds buzzing around as you eat!

Each room is inspired by a different region of the world (which is a really neat concept). Brazil, Provence, India, and Cuba are just a few examples of the different rooms. Each has its own unique features; some have private terraces, while others have deep soaking bathtubs. All rooms have flatscreen TVs and a minibar, and most rooms have a desk too. The bathrooms feature complimentary toiletries and huge tiled walk-in showers. The hotel has a focus on health and wellness, so you can also get massages or reiki sessions too. Overall, this hotel feels like a little green oasis in the heart of the city.

Book here!


Medellín has it all: great weather, plentiful museums, cool walking tours, lush parks, colorful street art, mouthwatering food tours and markets, and incredible nightlife. I loved my time here and would easily return for a few more weeks. I’m confident you’ll love it too. Just make sure to choose your accommodation from the list above. Do that and you’ll be all set to have a safe, comfortable stay!

Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

If you’re looking for more places to stay, here are my favorite hostels in Medellín!

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on Colombia?
Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Colombia for even more planning tips!

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Moses Sumney Announces Sophcore EP, Shares New Song “Gold Coast”: Listen

Moses Sumney has announced a new EP. His first new record in three years is titled Sophcore and arrives August 2 via his label Tuntum. The indie rock singer-songwriter has also shared the new song “Gold Coast,” which you can listen to below.

Sophcore is fifth EP of Sumney’s career, following 2018’s Black in Deep Red, 2014. It spans six tracks in total, including “Gold Coast” and the previously released song “Vintage” from June. “Sophcore explores the meeting points between sensuality and intuition…esotericism and populism…deep feeling and fun,” Sumney said in a press release. “It’s diving into subterranean rhythm, bass and drums, and making music for the hips as well as the heart.”

Sumney put out the live album Live From Blackalachia, featuring the single “Bystanders (In Space),” back in 2021. He’s contributed to soundtracks for The Idol and Everything Everywhere All at Once in the time since then, and hopped onscreen as an actor in the horror movie MaXXXine. When it comes to proper albums, however, it’s been awhile; Sumney’s most recent LP was 2020’s Græ.

Revisit the Cover Story “Moses Sumney Is Ready to Claim His Spotlight” and read about Græ at No. 3 on “The 50 Best Albums of 2020.”


01 I’m Better (I’m Bad)
02 Vintage
03 Whippedlashed
04 Gold Coast
05 Hey Girl
06 Love’s Refrain

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