
A Look Into the Interesting History of Audio Mastering

The history of mastering is rich and extensive, with its origins dating back to the early days of vinyl production. Over the years, this crucial phase in music production has evolved, adapting to emerging technologies. In the contemporary landscape, marked by the prevalence of digital streaming services, mastering holds a heightened significance in ensuring the optimal sound quality of your music.

This comprehensive guide delves into the historical journey of mastering, tracing its roots from the modest beginnings of the vinyl era to its current form in the digital age. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a complete newcomer to the subject, continue reading to gain insights into the intricacies of the mastering process and its vital role in the world of music.

A Look Back into the History of Mastering

The term “mastering” has its roots in the early era of vinyl production when vinyl records were the primary medium for storing and distributing music. In the pre-digital age, the process involved recording music onto a reel-to-reel tape. This tape was then sent to a mastering engineer tasked with cutting a lacquer disc from it. Subsequently, this disc served as the basis for creating a metal stamping plate used in the production of vinyl records.

The mastering engineer played a pivotal role in ensuring the optimal sound quality during the transition from tape to the lacquer disc. This encompassed various processes, including equalization and noise reduction, with the overarching goal of achieving a loud and clear sound without introducing unwanted distortion.

The landscape of music production underwent significant changes with the advent of digital music. Presently, music is predominantly recorded and mixed in digital audio workstations (DAWs). Once the music reaches the desired mix, it is exported as a digital audio file, which is then forwarded to the mastering engineer. In the digital era, the mastering engineer employs various software tools to further enhance the sound.

While the modern mastering process retains its core focus on optimizing the sound of the music, the tools and techniques have evolved substantially. In the digital realm, mastering engineers wield a heightened degree of control over the final product’s sound. With the appropriate tools and expertise, they can meticulously refine the sound of a track with remarkable precision.

The Elements of Mastering

The mastering process encompasses a multifaceted approach, with three fundamental elements serving as the cornerstone of this intricate craft:

  1. Equalization (EQ):
    At its essence, equalization involves the meticulous adjustment of frequency levels within the audio signal. Through the strategic boosting or cutting of specific frequencies, the mastering engineer wields the power to shape the sonic character of the music. Whether aspiring for a brighter, warmer, thinner, or heavier tonal quality, EQ provides a versatile tool for sculpting the auditory landscape.
  2. Compression:
    Delving into the realm of dynamic range, compression plays a pivotal role in the mastering process. By reducing the dynamic range of the audio signal, compression effectively modulates the volume, making the loudest portions more subdued and the quietest segments more pronounced. This manipulation contributes to the music’s “punchiness” and bolsters its overall volume, fostering a more impactful and cohesive sonic experience.
  3. Limiting:
    A critical aspect of mastering, limiting involves setting a threshold to prevent the audio signal from surpassing a predefined level. This safeguard is crucial in averting undesirable clipping and distortion. Beyond mere technical preservation, limiting serves a creative purpose by enhancing the perceived loudness and fullness of the music, contributing to an expansive and immersive listening experience.

While these three elements form the bedrock of mastering, the skilled engineer may navigate additional avenues to refine and elevate the musical composition. Techniques such as noise reduction, stereo widening, and judicious application of reverb may be employed to further polish the sonic tapestry.

The overarching objective of the mastering process is to showcase the music in its most refined and compelling form. This entails not only addressing technical considerations but also cultivating a balanced, full-sounding mix. The mastering engineer endeavors to achieve a harmonious synthesis of clarity, volume, and artistic intent, ensuring that the final product resonates with the intended impact while remaining free from any detrimental distortions. In essence, mastering is an artful convergence of technical precision and creative finesse, a meticulous endeavor to present the music at its zenith.

Why Should Your Conservatory Roof Installer be Insured

It might sound self-evident, however you’re having a significant traditional conservatories structure project done on your home – obviously, the center rooftop installer will be protected!

Sadly, there are numerous development organizations working without protection and giving the exchange a terrible name. Here we’ll frame why protection is significant for a center rooftop change, and what you ought to hope to be covered.

Why you ought to stay away from a uninsured studio material organization

Believing some studio roofers can be hard. With studio rooftop substitutions, as in numerous region of the structure exchange, many individuals have either heard or experienced accounts of questionable outfits and dodgy sellers.

We think this is a genuine disgrace, and lament that it can discolor all center rooftop installers’ notorieties. Be that as it may, there are conniving administrators out there who really do climb costs mid-project, employ uninsured or awkward specialists, or abandon clients with an incomplete venture.

That is the reason we endeavor to do something contrary to what every other person is doing. Projects 4 Material invests heavily in putting clients first. That implies focusing on wellbeing and security, what begins with ensuring that our laborers are safeguarded.

What sort of protection should your studio material organization have

Development can be perilous. At the point when there’s a structure site with weighty materials, power devices, and possibly hazardous substances around, mishaps can occur. It’s all the more dangerous assuming that building site is on your property!

In this manner there ought to be a two dimensional way to deal with keeping away from errors and mishaps:

Guaranteeing the work and laborers so everyone is covered should something turn out badly. Recruiting laborers who understand what they’re doing
Practically any organization that goes out openly to play out a help ought to have public responsibility protection. That is doubly valid for a possibly perilous occupation like studio rooftop substitutions.

Public obligation protection covers the organization against all legitimate responsibility for death or injury to individuals from general society, or loss of or harm to their property regarding the business.

That implies assuming something occurs – say, the center roofer thumps down your neighbor’s front wall while acquiring the new rooftop – they’ll be taken care of for those expenses. The equivalent goes assuming they even coincidentally thump down your neighbor! The insurance agency pays, not the roofer.

That is significant for the material organization and for you. They will not leave business assuming they’re sued for large number of pounds, and no related expenses can be passed to you. It gives everyone inner serenity – particularly your neighbors.

A studio material installer needs to recruit staff – laborers who will turn up and accomplish the work expected to eliminate your current rooftop and introduce a Gatekeeper Warm Rooftop for instance in its place. Yet, even the most experienced worker can commit errors or succumb to mishaps.

Managers’ obligation protection covers the business for any aggregate which they might be responsible to pay to any worker harmed or ailing throughout their work and during working hours.

That implies assuming a sheet of glass sneaks off an old center rooftop, for example, giving Gary the roofer a frightful cut, the insurance agency takes care of the expenses of treatment and loss of income that Gary might endure subsequently.

Once more, this safeguards the organization, and by implication, the client as well. The most dire outcome imaginable would be a uninsured organization being responsible for the expense of Gary’s leg injury and afterward not having the assets to complete your studio rooftop transformation.

While we generally trust that each venture is finished securely and effectively, there’s dependably an opportunity that mishaps can occur. Frequently they’re no one’s shortcoming.

It’s along these lines truly essential that your material organization is satisfactorily covered to safeguard all interested parties.

How to Tell if You Need to Get Window Replacement Done for Your Home

Windows are not something we give a lot of consideration to in Commercial roofing services light of the fact that we anticipate that they should keep going quite a while. While the facts really confirm that your home windows can endure as many as 20 years, there will ultimately come when you will require window substitution. At Red Oak Outsides, our group of qualified experts has immense experience introducing and supplanting windows of private properties. We frequently get calls from property holders who want to find out whether the time has come to supplant their home windows or hold off. In the event that you are one of those property holders who aren’t certain about the signs that let you know it is the ideal opportunity for new windows, this article is for you.

You Want A Window Substitution In the event that Your Windows Can’t Keep The Colorado Springs Weather conditions Out

The clearest sign that you want window substitution is the point at which your home windows can’t keep climate components like downpour, out of your home. Snow and downpour can ultimately negatively affect your window outlines until they begin spilling and water or dissolving snow can saturate your home through harmed window outlines. At the point when we show up to review a flawed window, it is typically completely rotted or unrepairable; to this end we suggest property holders watch out for the state of their window outlines. This could assist you with getting the rot early and save you the extra expense of a total home window substitution.

So, in the event that your windows aren’t as expected keeping the climate components, for example, water out, then, at that point, it is an obvious indicator that a window substitution may be all together.

You Have Begun Hearing Much A larger number of Clamors And Sounds Than You Used To

Your home windows aren’t simply intended to keep water, residue, garbage, and wind out; they additionally work to soundproof your home somewhat. At the point when the windows begin yielding, you will begin to hear more commotion inside your home since the windows can’t successfully keep the clamor out. An effective method for testing your house windows’ soundproofing is to tune in for any vehicles that might be passing a ways off and on the off chance that you can hear them inside the house, it very well may be an indication that your windows should be supplanted; it might likewise imply that your windows were not intended to be soundproof, so you ought to reach us to get your windows reviewed prior to pursuing a substitution choice.

Your Windows Are Not Opening Or Shutting Appropriately

Assuming that you have opening windows at your home, they ought to work without an excessive amount of power. In any case, assuming you notice that windows may be stuck or can not be sufficiently shut, then, at that point, odds are you really want to begin looking on the web for an organization for the substitution of your windows.


Accounting Trends in 2022: Grow Your Business Faster

Considering that the outcomes of the pandemic are as yet significant, organizations across ventures are taking a gander at various ways of guaranteeing maintainability over delayed times of monetary vulnerability. The year 2020 saw organizations adjusting to innovation at an uncommon speed across different enterprises. Aat accounting training as a capability has been progressively adjusted to innovative advances throughout recent years. As per reports, 83% of bookkeepers concur that putting resources into digitalization is important to stay aware of the market. This reality is independent from the reception of innovation, which has helped organizations work from a distance and stay maintainable.

As we work through 2022, the following are a couple of bookkeeping patterns to help your business become quicker and work on your business’ benefit.

Bookkeeping computerization and programming arrangements

Computerization for bookkeeping processes has been making progress consistently; it diminishes the responsibility for tedious and consideration escalated assignments while guaranteeing higher precision and decrease of mistakes.

Bookkeeping Patterns

Moreover, expanding work costs (29%) addressed one of the greatest worries for bookkeeping firms in 2020. Accordingly, the need to move specific capabilities to mechanized processes appears to be legit. This present circumstance likewise lines up with the high leave rate that happened because of the pandemic. Together, these variables present a more grounded defense for bookkeeping mechanization.

It additionally assists with remembering that computerization of bookkeeping processes doesn’t make bookkeeping experts excess. All things considered, mechanization assumes control over high-volume, tedious work from human resources. This step guarantees that prepared and talented bookkeeping experts can move their concentration from settling bookkeeping and accounting issues to real business the executives.

Reports uncover that bookkeepers are either previously preparing for or taking into account preparing in different regions, including client the board and business warning administrations (63% respondents) or business the executives (59%).

Re-appropriating bookkeeping capabilities

More organizations understand the advantages of re-appropriating as monetary vulnerabilities keep on approaching. The various advantages of reevaluating “nitty gritty consideration” serious capabilities, for example, bookkeeping and accounting include:

Guaranteeing solid, mistake free bookkeeping and accounting work
Opening up prepared assets so they can move their concentration to higher-need work, including monetary administration and inspecting of bookkeeping reports
Conveying worth to existing work by making it more precise through computerization while stretching out help to new business endeavors through a demonstrated framework and foundation.
Lessening costs related with employing, preparing, and holding assets
Moving to Cloud Bookkeeping

From on location tasks to cloud-based bookkeeping, the shift has been continuous and observable. Reports say that 67% of bookkeepers feel cloud innovation further develops client connections and administration contributions. Given the numerous advantages of cloud-based bookkeeping, organizations can enhance expectations without inflating expenses and costs. Here are a few key contemplations why moving to cloud bookkeeping seems OK for bookkeeping rehearses:

Cloud bookkeeping helps organizations store and save data in the cloud and access it without any problem.
Cloud-put together access saves with respect to costs related with requiring an actual area; leasing or claiming can be exorbitant, particularly for little to medium-sized organizations. A Forbes report says how moving to the cloud saved organizations 30-50 percent by and large, contrasted with invigorating their on-premises framework.
Cloud bookkeeping guarantees better security and wellbeing of information, including client information, due to advanced measures like secret key insurance, encryption, and approved admittance to choose people.
Utilizing proficient help: Organizations

With regards to cloud bookkeeping, electronic capacity, and secure reinforcements, these require a strong foundation. These necessities can end up being costly for a business simply beginning. Reevaluating bookkeeping and accounting capabilities or joining forces with experts can assist with guaranteeing your training lines up with industry standards. Given the demonstrated frameworks experts have, collaborating with them permits organizations to get to assets in any case unavailable to them. Since cloud bookkeeping is innovation based, it likewise needs master sending. For experts, this is more straightforward in light of the fact that they have assets prepared to stir things up around town running.

Plastic Storage Boxes For Music & Audio Gear

plastic storage boxes

Before purchasing plastic storage boxes, consider what you need to store. Gather all your items and measure them. Then, sort out what you don’t want to keep, and return items that you borrowed from others. If you need to store a lot of items, you should select bins that fit into the storage area and don’t overlap. Make sure to select plastic storage containers that won’t be damaged or ruined by moisture. Lastly, consider whether your plastic storage boxes are stackable or not. Stackable plastic storage boxes are great for storage but make sure to choose bins that fit your needs.

Purchasing bins that can be stacked is easy, thanks to their recessed lids. These are also great for attics and storage closets. Unlike many other types of storage bins, these aren’t very thick, so you can stack them neatly. They can be used in laundry rooms and closets as well. Moreover, they don’t make your storage space looks messy, either. You can also decorate them by using washi tape, stencils, and fabric.

Clear plastic storage boxes are perfect for storing a variety of items. They are durable and easy to handle. They can also hold a lot of items. You can buy boxes with a large capacity, such as a 64-quart Sterilite storage box. A durable storage box that is easy to use has a lid that can be removed and latches so that the lid can’t fall off. It’s also recyclable, and the best part is that plastic storage boxes can be reused many times for a variety of different purposes.

For more bulky items, you can choose boxes with wheels. The Long Under-Bed Box with Wheels from The Container Store is a great option. It’s nearly three feet long and has wheels, making it easy to roll out from under the bed. Whether you need to store a large costume, or a simple plastic storage box, this container will keep everything in place. This box can be used to store a variety of items, and is also great for work-in-progress or inventory transfer.

If you want to store more things, the 99-gallon resin patio storage box is a great option. It’s stylish and durable, and comes in white, java, and mocha colors. These containers will keep your belongings safe and secure while keeping your house clean and organized. They also come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. These plastic outdoor storage boxes are stackable, which makes them a great solution for any space.

A plastic outdoor storage box is much easier to clean than a wooden or metal box. A wet cloth can be used to wipe it down without damaging its look. Wood and metal need polishing, but plastic will keep its shiny finish for years. The lid will also keep your items in place. You don’t have to worry about staining or scratching wood or metal. They won’t show signs of wear and tear. These plastic boxes will last for years.

YHWH Nailgun Share New Song “Animal Death Already Breathing”: Listen

YHWH Nailgun have shared a new song. “Animal Death Already Breathing” is the opening track from the Brooklyn noise-rock four-piece’s forthcoming debut album, 45 Pounds, following previous singles “Castrato Raw (Fullback),” “Tear Pusher,” “Penetrator,” and “Sickle Walk.” Listen to the new song below.

45 Pounds is out March 21 via AD 93. After a select few European festival dates, YHWH Nailgun will hit the road for a North American headlining tour that kicks off on April 11, in Philadelphia, and wraps up on May 16 at Brooklyn’s Elsewhere. Find the group’s tour dates below.

Read Kieran Press-Reynolds’ Best New Track review of “Sickle Walk.”

All products featured on Pitchfork are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

YHWH Nailgun: Healing Chariot Tour

YHWH Nailgun:

03-27 Boise, ID – Treefort Music Festival
04-02 London, England – ICA
04-03 Bagnolet, France – Le Sample
04-04 The Hague, Netherlands – Rewire Festival
04-05 Brussels, Belgium – Brdcst Festival
04-11 Philadelphia, PA – Ukie Club
04-12 Cambridge, MA – Middle East (Upstairs)
04-13 Washington, D.C. – Songbyrd
04-15 Durham, NC – The Pinhook
04-16 Atlanta, GA – Vinyl
04-18 Dallas, TX – Three Links
04-19 Austin, TX – The Ballroom
04-22 Phoenix, AZ – Palabra
04-23 Los Angeles, CA – The Echo
04-24 Oakland, CA – New Parish
04-26 Vancouver, British Columbia – The Fox Cabaret
04-27 Seattle, WA – Barboza
04-28 Portland, OR – Holocene
04-30 Salt Lake City, UT – Kilby Court
05-01 Denver, CO – Globe Hall
05-03 Minneapolis, MN – 7th St. Entry
05-04 Chicago, IL – Sleeping Village
05-06 Toronto, Ontario – Bovine Sex Club
05-07 Montreal, Quebec – L’Escogriffe
05-16 Brooklyn, NY – Elsewhere

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KERRY KING Says His Second Solo Album Might Arrive In 2026: “We Don’t Want Five-Year Gaps”

In a new interview with Sylvia Alvarado of Las Vegas radio station KOMP 92.3, Kerry King shared an update on the follow-up to his debut solo album, From Hell I Rise, which dropped last May via Reigning Phoenix Music.

“Me and Paul Bostaph have got 10, 12 songs demoed already. I’ve just gotta get off my butt and write lyrics for ’em,” King revealed.

He made it clear that there’s no desire for long breaks between releases. “None of us are young. We wanna keep going,” he explained. “We want the machine to roll. We don’t want five-year gaps.”

Looking ahead, King outlined his plan to keep things moving: “As soon as album one cycle is done, which looks like it’s gonna be — I don’t know — September maybe, we wanna jump into rehearsal or jump right into the studio and take the momentum of the tour, so we can have another two-week recording cycle. And then get that to the record company, and when that comes out, start record cycle two. You’ll see us again.”

When asked whether fans could expect his second solo album in early 2026, King responded, “That’s a realistic goal, and I wanna achieve that, for sure.”

And if you’re wondering about Slayer and their potential future plans, fear not! Nothing is really happening. Slayer‘s reunion appearances are continuing into this year, but King doesn’t see their return getting any bigger than that. In a recent interview with Metal Roos, King made it clear that Slayer will never tour and never put out another record again.

“We’re never gonna tour again. We’re never gonna make a record again. Mark my word: we’re never gonna make a record again, we’re never gonna tour again. Because that was the last thing. We said [back in 2018], ‘This is our final tour.’ It took five years for us to come and say, ‘Hey, here’s a couple of shows, five-year anniversary.'”

On the few Slayer shows that happened in 2024, King added: “I think it’s really cool. A lot of fans are into it. There’s gonna be haters who say, ‘Oh, they retired.’ Yeah. Whatever. This is all about celebration. Say a kid was 10 years old when we retired. Now he’s 15, 16. [It’s his] first opportunity to see us. I think that’s important.”

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Jay-Z and Sean “Diddy” Combs No Longer Facing Rape Lawsuit

Note: This article contains references to alleged sexual assault that some readers may find disturbing.

Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter and Sean “Diddy” Combs are no longer facing a lawsuit from a woman who claimed that the rappers drugged and raped her, in 2000, when she was 13 years old. The woman, a Jane Doe plaintiff, voluntarily dismissed her complaint with prejudice, meaning she cannot refile the case. Doe was represented by Tony Buzbee, a Texas lawyer who is representing many people who accuse Diddy of abuse.

In a statement, Jay-Z called the dismissal “a victory” and said that the case “was without merit and never going anywhere.” He added that the judicial system “must protect victims.”

Diddy’s legal team also celebrated the dismissal and cast doubt on the countless other lawsuits against the musician. “We will continue to fight these baseless claims and hold those responsible,” the legal team stated.

In an emailed statement to The Associated Press, Tony Buzbee offered no comment.

Jane Doe filed her original complaint against Diddy in October. She initially claimed that Diddy and another “male celebrity” assaulted her at an MTV Video Music Awards afterparty. It was not until December that she refiled the case to name Jay-Z as the alleged co-assailant.

The day the lawsuit was refiled, Jay-Z’s management company, Roc Nation, posted a lengthy statement on X casting doubt on the claims and alleging that Buzbee sent his lawyer a blackmail attempt. “These allegations are so heinous in nature that I implore you to file a criminal complaint, not a civil one!! Whomever would commit such a crime against a minor should be locked away, would you not agree?” the statement read. “My heart and support goes out to the true victims in the world, who have to watch how their life story is dressed in costume for profitability by this ambulance chaser in a cheap suit.”

In the weeks that followed, Jay-Z and his lawyers continued to speak out against the lawsuit. Alex Spiro, one of Jay-Z’s attorneys, also argued that the accuser’s name should be made public in case it could prompt people with valuable information to come forward. On December 16, Spiro held a press conference to poke holes in Jane Doe’s filing and to say he believed Jay-Z would be cleared of any wrongdoing. “When something isn’t real, when something doesn’t happen, you’re going to get the details wrong because you weren’t really there,” said Spiro. “[It’s] not possible. It’s because this never happened.”

Diddy remains incarcerated on federal charges of racketeering conspiracy; sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion; and transportation to engage in prostitution. He has pleaded not guilty, and he is due to stand trial on May 5, 2025. Diddy is also facing numerous lawsuits for alleged abuse. He has broadly denied allegations of wrongdoing.

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual assault, we encourage you to reach out for support:

RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline
1 800 656 HOPE (4673)

Crisis Text Line
SMS: Text “HELLO” or “HOLA” to 741-741

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ACID BATH Adds Second Californian Reunion Show With PIG DESTROYER & THE OBSESSED

Acid Bath recently announced a show with High On Fire and Windhand for August 22 at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, and of course it sold out. Much like their New Orleans shows, Acid Bath has now added a second show for August 28 (also at the Hollywood Palladium) with Pig Destroyer and The Obsessed as support.

At this rate I think it’s safe to assume that a whole ass Acid Bath tour would do well, right? Dudes cannot stop selling out these reunion shows. Tickets are available here. Acid Bath‘s 2025 live shows (including the sold out ones) are now:

4/25 New Orleans, LA The Fillmore (w/ Eyehategod)
4/30 New Orleans, LA The Fillmore (w/ Exhorder)
5/8-11 Columbus, OH Sonic Temple Art + Music Festival
5/15-18 Daytona Beach, FL Welcome To Rockville
7/18-20 Mansfield, OH Inkcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival
8/22 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Palladium (w/ High On Fire & Windhand)
8/28 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Palladium (w/ Pig Destroyer & The Obsessed)
9/18-21 Louisville, KY Louder Than Life

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A Comprehensive eSIM for Travelers

When I started backpacking almost 20 years ago, there were no smartphones. That meant you had to rely on paper maps, physical guidebooks, and (often outdated) information from random web forums. While it made traveling adventurous, it also made planning a trip very difficult.

Fortunately, times have changed.

It’s never been easier to access information while you’re abroad. From booking hotels to looking up directions to finding places to eat, access to Wi-Fi and mobile data has changed the game.

SIM cards were the first step in making this evolution possible. You’d buy an overpriced physical SIM card on arrival and hope that you didn’t blow through the data before your trip ended (or you moved on to a new country).

But even those days are past thanks to eSIMs, digital SIM cards you can set up before you even leave home. They are easy to use, affordable, and sometimes even come with awesome perks (more on that below).

One of the most popular eSIMs on the market? Saily.

In this Saily eSIM review, I’ll break down what Saily offers and how much it costs so that you can decide if it’s the best choice for your next trip.

What is Saily?

A screenshot from the Saily eSIM homepage
Saily is an eSIM app created by NordVPN. Just like a regular physical SIM card, an eSIM lets you activate and access mobile data while abroad. That means you don’t need to buy a physical SIM card on arrival, you can avoid expensive roaming fees, and you don’t need to use public Wi-Fi (which is often unsafe).

For me, the best part of eSIMs is that you can set them up before you leave. That way, you’ll know exactly how much data you have and can pick out the perfect data plan from the comfort of your home. Saily also has 24/7 chat support, so if you have a question or run into problems you can get the help you need.

And Saily offers plans in over 200 destinations, which means that no matter where you’re heading, they can ensure you stay connected while you’re there.

How to Use a Saily eSIM

While using an eSIM might seem more difficult than just popping in a physical SIM card, it’s actually super easy to get started. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the app (it’s available on both iOS and Android)
  2. Create an account and add your payment info
  3. Select the country you’re going to (or the region)
  4. Choose your plan
  5. Follow the prompts provided

That’s it! Now you have an eSIM that activates automatically the moment you land in your destination, saving you the time and energy of having to find one on arrival.

What I especially like, though, is that you just need to install the eSIM once. Going to more countries later in the year? No problem. You just add a new plan for that trip and pay for the new data. No reinstalling for every trip. As I said, it’s super easy!

How Much Does Saily Cost?

A screenshot from the Saily eSIM homepage
Prices for Saily eSIM plans vary by country, but you can find them for as low as $1.99 USD. For example, if you’re heading to Paris for a week, a 7-day plan with 1GB of data costs $3.99 USD. Staying longer? You can get 30 days of coverage and 20GB of data for just $31.99 USD. Super affordable.

If you’re visiting more than one country, you can also buy a regional plan. These are available for Europe, Africa, Latin America, and more, with prices starting as low as $4.99 USD. They even have a global plan in case you’re going everywhere!

In short, eSIM plans with Saily are very affordable!

Added Security Features of Saily

What makes Saily stand above the competition though is that they are more than just an eSIM company. Their plans include several awesome perks that make using them a no-brainer. Here’s what’s included:

Virtual Location – Saily plans include a virtual location so that you can rest assured your data is secured and private. In the past, I’ve had to buy a separate VPN plan in addition to my eSIMs. Not anymore! Now I can travel knowing my connection is private, secure, and safe from outside access.

Ad blocker – Ads not only make surfing the web a pain, but they chew through your data. With an ad blocker activated, you’ll not only have a better online experience but you’ll save more of your data (which saves you money).

Web protection – When we travel, we often connect to free public Wi-Fi. While convenient, it also opens you up to all kinds of malware (airports are especially bad for this). Having web protection enabled reduces trackers and malicious websites before they reach your device. This ensures your data is safe as you travel.

Pros of Saily

  • Competitive rates vs other eSIM companies
  • Regional plans available for multi-country trips
  • Good data speeds
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Virtual location
  • Ad blocker
  • Web protection

Cons of Saily

  • Slightly more expensive than buying a local SIM card
  • No texting or calls


Saily not only offers a solid product in its eSIM but the added perks make this one of the best eSIM options on the market. It’s affordable, easy to use, and its safety and privacy perks offer incredible extra value. No matter where you’re heading, Saily can ensure you stay connected — without breaking the bank!

Ready to sign up? Use code NOMADICMATT5 to get 5% off!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Want to Travel for Free?
Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need a Rental Car?
Discover Cars is a budget-friendly international car rental website. No matter where you’re headed, they’ll be able to find the best — and cheapest — rental for your trip!

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip?
Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

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Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Announces New Album Gush, Shares Video for New Song: Watch

Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith has announced Gush, her first new album in three years. The follow-up to 2022’s Let’s Turn It Into Sound arrives on August 22 via Nettwerk. The synth musician and composer has also shared the lead single, “Into Your Eyes,” which comes with a video. Watch it below.

According to Smith, Gush is about flirtation, senses melting together, and “those ‘look at this’ moments” where you experience the genius of everything around you. In that way, “Into Your Eyes” serves as its thesis, as the song is about “being with the experience of change” and “allowing attraction and admiration to evoke aesthetics.” She continued, “It is also about the fragile edge of love that embraces destruction, is aware of its existence and possibility but protects it, like holding ice in one’s teeth without crushing it… or not resisting the urge, abandoning protection and leaning into destruction as an expression of love.”

Last year, Smith teamed up with Hot Chip’s Joe Goddard for their collaborative Neptunes EP. Revisit the Rising interview “Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith’s Existential Synthesizer Music.”

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“I Tried To Listen To Some Song Off TOOL’s Album, And It Sounded Like I Was In A Spa In Sedona”

Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta had some positive words about perseverance and believing in your art during a recent interview with This Day In Metal. This being the Internet and the age of doofy pull quotes, Jasta made one off comment about Tool‘s 2019 comeback album Fear Inoculum sounding “like spa music” and of course that’s where the conversation went for a little while.

Jasta originally started off talking about attributing his success to believing in what he does, and how some things maybe take a little longer to ultimately resonate with people.

“Whatever it is, if it’s writing a book, if it’s making a film, if it’s making a record or writing a poem or fucking making a recipe — I don’t care what it is — you’ve gotta block out the people that maybe don’t believe in you to do it and you’ve gotta find the ones that do and you’ve gotta keep them close and you’ve gotta make sure that you do right by them and that they appreciate what you do and vice versa,” said Jasta.

“And then also, I think it’s gotta be authentic, it’s gotta be from the heart, ’cause the stuff that really resonate to people 10, 20, 30 years in is stuff that I knew in the moment was ‘it’. You just know when you know. And sometimes you can bring that idea to someone else and they go, ‘Nah’, and they write your shit off. Or you can put your blood, sweat and tears into a record and some reviewer will listen to it once and go, ‘No, this sucks,’ just like I did with the last Tool record that sounded like spa music. And that’s gonna happen. But you’ve gotta roll with the punches and you’ve just gotta have faith that it will find the ears and the eyes that it needs to find.

“Somebody said to me once. It might have been Shavo from System [Of A Down]. I forget if it was on the Slayer tour or another tour that they did where the crowd wasn’t feeling it. And it doesn’t matter now, because the millions… They sold, like, five million records So, like, okay. So, yeah, so, big deal — that one show with Slayer or one show with someone else where the crowd didn’t like it, five million other people discovered them and liked it. So, they’re out there. You’ve just gotta keep showing up. And I guess it goes back to the reps, too — just keep putting in those reps, no matter what it is.”

This of course turned into Jasta justifying why he never got into Tool, and prefers something more aggressive and straightforward like Necrot. Which is fair – I personally am a massive fan of Tool, but I can totally see how people don’t like it. Though I’m not sure I’ve ever thought of them as spa music… maybe Paul Riedl‘s solo ambient works would be a better fit, in terms of metal-spa crossover?

“I never got into Tool, but every year — every other year, maybe — I’ll go, ‘Hey, I’m gonna try to get into Tool,’ and then someone will recommend a song and then I’ll go listen to the song. And a lot of times I end up liking the song. I never really go back to it, but I will hear it and I can recognize the genius in it. The playing is incredible and the production is incredible and [Maynard James Keenan‘s] voice is incredible. I don’t have any desire to really like go back and listen to it again, but I can say, ‘Wow,’ in the moment, when I do go check it out.

“It was not too long ago on my Patreon, I was saying, ‘Man, I tried to listen to some song off the last album, and it sounded like I was in a spa in Sedona, waiting to get a massage’ or something. It was atmospheric and mellow and ethereal… I don’t even know how to I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s like it was something really delicate, soft but calming. And I’m, like, I just wanna listen to Necrot and just fucking [singing] ‘Drill the skull’. I’m just a caveman at heart — I just wanna hear, ‘Drill the skull.’ And so then I listen to Necrot and I’m thinking, ‘Man, Maynard probably hates this shit.'”

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Travel Bucket List for 2025 • The Blonde Abroad

[ad] What do the stars have in store for you in 2025? ✈️ 🌍 ✨

Check out my @expedia Travel Shop to find the best hotels and excursions in each of these incredible locations!

Here’s where to travel this year based on your zodiac sign:

♈️ Aries 🇳🇦
You’ve probably had your eye on African travel for a while. An exciting trip to the diverse landscape of Namibia is exactly what this 🔥 sign needs to come alive.

♉️ Taurus 🇺🇸
Taureans are all about relaxation. Ruled by Venus, you’re captivated by beauty & luxury so Hawaii the perfect spot for you.

♊️ Gemini 🇧🇴
Geminis are all about mental stimulation—look no further than Bolivia’s vibrant culture and diverse landscapes!

♋️ Cancer 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Cancers love a moody moment and a quaint, homey atmosphere. Try a cozy trip to the Cotswolds or a sprawling manor in Sussex.

♌️ Leo 🇯🇴
Leos need to travel to a place as special and unique as themselves. That’s why Jordan, a destination steeped in rich history, culture, & cuisine, will give you bragging rights for life!

♍️ Virgo 🇯🇵
Japan is THE MOMENT and no better sign navigates Japan like a Virgo. A thoughtful planner, you’ll be sure to see everything from the busy streets of Tokyo to the beaches of Kyoto.

♎️ Libra 🇮🇸
You’re all about drama and beauty which is why Iceland is your vibe. From luxurious spas to one-of-a-kind landscapes, this stunning backdrop MIGHT just match your beauty.

♏️ Scorpio 🇵🇪
If there’s one word that describes Scorpio it’s “mystery.” From the Amazonian jungle to Machu Picchu, Peru is just as intriguing as you are!

♐️ Sagittarius 🇱🇰
As lifelong students and inquisitive explorers, Sri Lanka is your ultimate adventure.

♑️ Capricorn 🇫🇷
You have hustled and bustled, and now it’s time to treat yourself to the best wine & cheese in France. I have a feeling you’d REALLY love the Alps or Cote d Azur.

♒️ Aquarius 🇪🇨
Aquarians have their hands on the pulse; in 2025, it’s all about The Galapagos. These remote islands are home to animals endemic only to the Galapagos!

♓️ Pisces 🇦🇺
Pisceans’ dreamy demeanors mean they need a touch of magic. Australia’s Gold Coast perfectly combines dreamy scenes and magical views.

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6 New Albums You Should Listen to Now: Ethel Cain, Bad Bunny, Franz Ferdinand, and More

With so much good music being released all the time, it can be hard to determine what to listen to first. Every week, Pitchfork offers a run-down of significant new releases available on streaming services. This week’s batch includes new albums from Ethel Cain, Bad Bunny, Franz Ferdinand, Lambrini Girls, Wolfacejoeyy, and Brigid Mae Power. Subscribe to Pitchfork’s New Music Friday newsletter to get our recommendations in your inbox every week. (All releases featured here are independently selected by our editors. When you buy something through our affiliate links, however, Pitchfork earns an affiliate commission.)

Ethel Cain: Perverts [Daughters of Cain]

Ethel Cain found unlikely pop fandom with Preacher’s Daughter, her 2022 debut album, thanks to its emotional dirges and heavy lyrics. Instead of turning toward catchier choruses, Cain subverts expectations entirely with her atmosphere and moody new album, Perverts. Written, recorded, and produced entirely by Cain and led by “Punish,” Perverts consists of sprawling drone songs, languid ambient music, and soft-spoken—if spoken at all—slowcore tracks that stay intentionally shrouded. For the immersive experience, consider listening at night.

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Bad Bunny: Debí Tirar Más Fotos [Rimas]

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